Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Its Been Awhile

I started this blog with high hopes of joining the blogging community in full force. Alas, l seem to have approached the whole thing much like I do journal writing. I get all excited, buy a pretty new journal, write one really energetic new entry and then forget the whole thing for a year until I see a nice pretty new journal in some shop window just begging to be filled up with my thoughts...and the whole circle begins anew. Oh well. Can I fall back on the "I have a new baby" excuse for at least 3 more months? I promise to try to be better. Today is a red letter day becasue I got both kids to take a nap at the same time. Lately, Sam boycotts nap time all together until he collapses in a heap on the living room floor. Kate is still not old enough to know that you have the option of boycotting the nap yet but I fully expect that sometime in the next three years I'll hear much kicking of the wall and pulling out of clothes from the dresser instead of peaceful sleeping. Glorious day today! I got them both down at the same time. It is nothing less than a miracle. Thanks Angie for inviting us out for a morining of swimming and sunshine. I think it did the trick for us all.

1 comment:

angie said...

hooray for the double nap!