Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Loosing Health Units...Must Rest...

Okay, okay...so I've watched Toy Story 2 two too many times but it's exactly how I feel after last night. Here's the play by play:

11:00 I close my eyes
11:15 Kate cries
12:30 Kate stops crying
12:31 I close my eyes
2:30 Sam runs into our room crying demanding milk
3:00 Sam stops crying
3:01 I close my eyes
4:30 Kate cries
4:31 I give in and feed her even after the doctor has insisted she's taking me for a ride with these night time feedings - it's just easier than listening to screams for an hour
5:00 I close my eyes
6:00 Nathan's alarm goes off
6:30 Sam wakes up
7:00 Kate wakes up
8:00 I finally drag my weary body out of bed so Nathan can go to work

Sigh...Will I really look back on these days with fondness? Today I'm not so sure.

1 comment:

angie said...

you are so cute and real! i'm sorry you have sick kids, though!