Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Who Am I and Where Am I Going?

Today I took a trip down memory lane. My siblings will really be the only ones to appreciate this to its full extent. We were playing this afternoon, when suddenly Sammy asked me what other kinds of instruments there were besides clackers. I couldn't help but cringe and know my mom would be secretly ashamed that my child thinks of clackers first when he thinks of instruments. So, trying to remedy my son's apparent lack of musical education, I pulled out my flute. It had a thick layer of dust on the case. I was tempted to write "Play me!" on it. That's how long it's been since I've cracked it open. Anyway, I got it out and played Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star for Sam and Kate. Both of them loved it! I could see these delighted but surprised looks on their faces almost as if to say, "Wow, Mom can do other things besides cut grapes into tiny pieces and clean sand out of the bathtub. Huh. Who knew?" The funny thing is, the moment I started playing, all of these memories flooded in. 5 am...Here comes Mom's heavy, determined footsteps down the stairs...Please, don't let her turn on the light...TIME TO WAKE UP! PRACTICE TIME!...lights flash on and off...There she goes to wake up Linsey next door...and then suddenly the house is alive. Les is on the piano, Linsey is fighting Les because she NEEDS the piano to practice, Lara is sawing away on her orchestra piece, my dad's cello begins to rattle the house keeping time (if not tune) with the organ concerto blasting out of the stereo, Stevie dreams about playing the bongos. And I am left, the one wind in a family of strings. Maybe that's why I always felt justified in "practicing" in bed, blowing a few notes now and then, hoping my mom isn't listening for anything more than just a few notes in the cacophony. Is it really 5 am? Yes, at the Greene's. Anyway, playing my flute today, I felt a tug. I miss those pieces of myself that I wrapped and placed away on the shelf for safe keeping after I had my kids. I guess it's time to dust things off a little.


KickButtMommy said...

I remember you playing the flute! I love the memory you conjured up for all of us to be a part of. You are such a good writer. I can't believe that your mom made you all get up at 5 am! I must try that with my budding violinist and pianist. Although, I think the neighbor we share a wall with might have something to say about it!

angie said...

lys, i love this.

i have to say that i am secretly in awe of families who wake up early to practice instruments - i don't think i have the discipline - but sometimes i contemplate it - should i try to help my boys realize their musical potential? and could i really wake up so early?!

Emily S. said...

Keep it out and keep playing! That is so cool!

Jeff and Stacy said...

And the "coolest story ever told on a blog" award goes to...Lys-An, for her Fun-filled family flute fable! Loved it Lys, and we love and miss you guys!

Jen said...

At least you play something-sometimes.

Linsey de Guzman said...

I love this Lys! Thanks for sharing the memories. I can hear those 5 a.m. footsteps so clearing, coming down the hall. And the aweful moment when the light goes on and you know its' all over, the day has begun. I'm getting nervous just thinking about it. How did we do it for so many years? I guess we should thank mom for preparing us for getting up early with kids, not to mention for instilling in us a love of great music. I love the description of your kids' amazement that you do something totally non-mom related. I feel the same way when I get my violin out every so often. Doesn't it feel great? Thanks for your great blog.