Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The Big One

At about eight last night, I was building yet another track for Thomas and his friend Sam when the big one least that's what I thought. I heard a loud rumble like thunder but it lasted for a LONG time and the floor started to move and roll. I got really scared. I immediately went into worst case scenerio mode and saw technicolor visions of collapsing floors and crumbling walls. Even today, after nothing of the sort happened, I keep replaying these 9-11esque images of me with Sam and his little friend Jacob who we were watching last night, trapped under miles of dust and debis in the dripping dark. What I would do? How would I calm them? Even worse, how would I protect them? Feed them? Rescue them? I am trying to figure out what it was about the quake last night the got me into such a state. I think for the first time I was faced with a real situation where my kid's lives could have been endangered. I don't even know how to write about it except to say that I am still holding onto a little bit of the terrified adreneline that saturated my body last night. All day, I've found myself holding them longer and hugging them harder and looking into their faces more intently...just in case. I love those babies.

1 comment:

Eva's Mom said...

I'm so glad you are all o.k.