Monday, December 3, 2007

A Double Edged Sword

Funny how so many things in life can be everything all rolled into one. My family came to stay for Thanksgiving. My whole family. The experience was the literal embodiment of this idea. There were people and their things EVERYWHERE tucked into EVERYPLACE in the luxurious 1000 square feet that we call our own. We had bags under the bed, car seats in the front hall, ruby red princess slippers in the bathtub, toothbrushes under the kitchen table, all complete with a fine dusting of craisins and playdough bits over everything. No child got a nap longer that half an hour. We never got out of the house before noon, the breakfast dishes never got cleaned until after dinner (ok...that's not all that different from normal life around here), kids watched way more movies, ate way more candy, and stayed up way later than normal. In short it was two weeks of chaos. I complimented Nathan on his patience and he looked at me with weary eyes and said, "Avoiding something isn't patience." I guess he did come home lots later than usual. But now that everyone is gone, it's utterly empty and I don't just mean my house. My heart feels a little empty too. I guess the foundation under all of that chaos was the only order that really means Come back everyone...come back soon!

1 comment:

Allison said...

Yes, we indeed married brothers! I can imagine Jonny with the same weary eyes and level of patience.(we've been role playing coping strategies for the big SB visit--well not really, but we probably should)
We're excited to see you soon! Jeremiah kept asking if Sammy was coming for Thanksgiving.